Anthroposophic medicine
“It is not a matter of being in opposition to the school of medicine that is working with the accepted scientific methods of the present time. We fully acknowledge its principles. And in our view, the approach we present should only be used by those who are fully able and entitled to practise medicine according to those principles.
We do, however, add further insights to such knowledge of the human being as is now available through accepted scientific methods. These are gained by different methods, and we therefore feel compelled to work for an extension of clinical medicine, based on these wider insights into the nature of the world and the human being.”
Dr. Rudolf Steiner and Dr. Ita Wegman, Extending Practical Medicine (1925)
Anthroposophic medicine
Anthroposophic medicine integrates conventional medicine with an anthroposophic perception of the human being. It starts with a conventional diagnosis, but includes in its assessment of the patient the imbalances of the body and a psychological, mental and spiritual dimension. It takes a holistic approach to health and offers specific therapies enhanced according to anthroposophic principles. It uses both conventional and anthroposophic medicinal products. Both the treatment approach and the use and selection of medicinal products and other therapies are highly individualized and intend to bring about a ‘process of development’ within the patient, reinforcing the patient’s natural self-healing ability.
Anthroposophic medicine was developed in 1920 by Rudolf Steiner, PhD (founder of anthroposophy, 1861-1925) and Ita Wegman, MD (Dutch physician, 1876-1943), in collaboration with a number of physicians. Since than it has earned a high level of acceptance within European society. It is used in both primary and clinical care in over 20 EU Member States, and offers a high degree of patient satisfaction.
Research shows that anthroposophic medical approach is safe and effective and leads to only a sparing use of antibiotics; medical insurance policies show minimal medication costs. Anthroposophic medicine, as an integrated complementary medical system, is proven both to be safe and effective and offers considerable added value to the health systems in the EU.
More on the system of anthroposophic medicine can be found in the brochure “The System of Anthroposophic Medicine”.